Skills Development & Experimentation

Creating a logo in Illustrator

This is my final logo design for my product I used Illustrator to make this the tools I used was a selection tool, type on path tool and move tool. I think this went well but it can be improved by making the type bigger and adding a colourful background. I had trouble with the logo type.

Audio clips from London Riots

This is my London riots audio clip. I used Adobe Audition to add sound effects the sound effects I used was a angry crowd yelling and police sirens. I also used Photoshop to export this as a video. I think this went well. I had trouble by uploading this to YouTube as a video.

Making a web page with Dreamweaver

I made this by using Dreamweaver I changed the text by double clicking on the text in the live the surrounding box turned orange and I could edit the placeholder text. I saved the homepage as index. I made a new site holder as my web page saved in a different folder. I think this went well. I had trouble when making the type size bigger.

Practicing Filming and Editing Audio clips

I made a video clip with my group for our video advert which is for our final product the situation is about a girl called Layla who's researching about a monster called the Chubacabra and Layla hears creepy noises in the hallway but the others Johnny and Ellie don't believe her. I made this in Premier pro but it wouldn't upload as unlisted on YouTube so I went to upload and copied the link address on YouTube and inserted it as a video on my blog. I think this went well but it can be improved by adding sound effects. What I had trouble with  was by uploading this as a video to YouTube and adding this to my blog as a video.

Website experimentation

This is my website experimentation for my Bubblegum perfume. I used Dreamweaver to make this what I did was I set up a page then I changed the text and titles I also filled in some of the information. Later on I added images and systematized them the way I wanted. I think this went well but it can be improved by making the text bigger. I had trouble with the links and adding in images.

Christmas ad with logo

I made a Christmas theme magazine ad for my product.
I used Photoshop to make this. I made the background by using a rectangle tool and I changed the background colour to red the tools I used was a lasso tool and quick selection tool. I think this went well but it can be improved by adding more images. What I had trouble with was making my logo bigger.

Storyboard and Script practice
