Final Production

My Final Logo

I used Illustrator to make my own bubblegum perfume the tools I used was a shaper tool to make the circular surface of the spray, rectangle tool to make the top of the perfume lid. I also used the type tool and changed it to type on path. When making my final logo I think it went really well as the colours went well together but I had trouble with the type when typing it on a path.This can be improved by adding a colourful background.

My Packaging for my product 

This is my packaging which is for my product. I made this by using Photoshop the tools I used was move tool I also used the 3D features, rectangle tool to make the base I think this went well but the thing I had trouble with making the rectangle into a 3D shape. It can be improved by  making the logo bigger.

Making a Print advert 

This is my print advert for my final product. I made this in Photoshop, the tools I used was a lasso tool, quick selection tool and the move tool. I also went on Images and adjustments and I changed the colour of the tree from white to pink. I went on the internet and found these images which I then adjusted for my logo. I think this went well as the colours and images worked well together. The things I had trouble with was the Christmas logo which I tried to just cut out the words but it was harder than I thought it would be but eventually I manged to overcome this. This can be improved by adding a colourful background.

Final Website Page 

This is screenshots of my web page I created this in Adobe Dreamweaver for my product. The project was difficult at first but when I figured it out it was easy. What I'm not pleased with is it took longer that expected like my bubblegum logo, packaging and images of people that I asked. The things I had trouble with was the links and adding images on my home drive as it was full and it wouldn't allow me to save this. I think I did a good job when making my own website page for my bubblegum perfume.This can be improved by making the text bigger.

Radio Advert

This is my radio perfume advert I made this by using Adobe audition and Premier pro the tools I used was a selection tool and a ripple edit tool. What went well was when I made the video and when I had to try to persuade people to buy my perfume. The things I had trouble with was uploading this to YouTube as a unlisted video.

TV Advert

This is the advert /promotional video I made with my group for the Art Department.What I liked about this is the teachers told us what they love about their job and they showed us some of their art sculptures. I used Premier Pro to make this.What went well was when me and my group filmed one student and one teacher and asked them about what they enjoy the most about the art department. The things I had trouble with when filming was the camera wasn't recording. It can be improved by adding sound.
